About Karma Points 🍀

Karma Points is a platform that rewards people for doing good deeds. The more you give, the more you get. It is our mission to make sure that giving becomes a regular habit and not just a sporadic ‘act’.

Our Story 💌

Karma Points was conceived during a heated argument between 3 people of how they would like to change the world. There were so many problems to solve and no single solution addresses all of the problems. So, we realised that instead of trying to do everything ourselves, we should give a platform to kind and like-minded people who want to solve problems with us.

How Karma Points works?

Verified Charities post goals

Out of lacs of charities, we handpick the most able, efficient and transparent charities through a rigorous background check. These charities post requirement for funds or volunteers as goals.

Donors choose and contribute

Out of hundreds of goals, donors select the ones they relate to the most and make their contribution. They can contribute their money by donating or their time by volunteering.

Every contribution is rewarded

For each contribution, donors get karma points. They use these points to avail exclusive discounts, freebies and experiences provided our woke brand partners.

The world become a bit better

Every little contribution helps someone in need and makes the world a better place. Every contribution, fulfils our dream, one step at a time.

Want to make the world a little better?

Start Contributing